Learn from sales sequence experts actively selling TODAY

In this session of Sequence Practice, I had a great conversation with one of the OGs of Outreach, Andrew Mewborn, as we reviewed 5 emails, 1 social touch, and 1 sales sequence.

We were lucky enough to get a pile of submissions for this one and 2 made the cut – one company changing the way people think about design and the other, a rapidly-growing tech company from the UK. They shared their work with us and (hopefully) enjoyed our extensive feedback and advice.

Thanks to our presenters for being brave enough to share your work to help out the sales community at large!

We had a smaller group than last time, but what we lacked in quantity, we made up for in quality. Some killer comments that really helped drive the conversation and overall learning.

Special thanks to Paige McMahon for my favorite quote of the day:

“Yes’s are good, No’s are good, Maybe’s will kill you.”

Skip Miller

What’d we learn?

So in case you don’t have an hour to review, here’s some key takeaways we took down for you:

  1. Use relevancy
  2. Test all the time
  3. Be creative
  4. Think like an advertiser (get attention)
  5. Make your customer the star (think “WIFM”)

My favorite best practice


As a guy who spent a LOT of his career running marketing campaigns, I can attest to Andrew’s assertion that “Get Attention” is unbelievably important to effective prospecting.

As Andrew said, “Think like an advertiser” and you’ll do a better job of getting that first reply or call.

Creativity has long been thought of as Marketing’s role, but with the continuous evolution of sales, you have to be an expert salesperson, a problem-solver, own a personal brand, and be a ridiculously creative marketer!

Andrew’s (excellent) advice was to look at your boss’ inbox to see the types of emails you get from sales reps and the light bulb should go off.

It looks like a sea of “I”, “We”, and “Hope…” with very little diversion from the status quo.

To put it simply:

  1. Be different
  2. Get noticed
  3. Slay dragons!

So who is Andrew Mewborn?

I’ve talked a lot about Andrew and shared some of his amazing analogies and tips through the last 100+ words, so why not tell you a bit of who he is?

Well, as one of the first 20 employees at Outreach, he has grown with the company by taking stabs at what seems like every department in the company and has helps over 1,200 sales organizations with their sequences 🙂

He has now landing himself in the role of Account Executive, offering “Sequence Teardowns for amigos in the sales world” and helping people scale their awesome sequences with the category-killer sales engagement tool that is Outreach.io.

So about last week…?

If you can recall from Sequence Practice #1, we had one presenter that stood out, showing expertise, grit, and the maturity & humility to accept feedback on her already amazing work live on the air!

She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s been selected as our Champion of Champions of the first round of Sequence Practice!

A big congrats to Cierra Bedelyon, who will be joining me at an upcoming Sales Hacker webinar.

Can’t wait to “share the stage” with you Cierra and see what you’ve done since Sequence Practice #1!

Details on that webinar coming soon.

Get Expert Feedback

Submit your emails, phone/VM scripts, social touches, and sequences for a chance to get reviewed by a RevUp Playmaker at the next Sequence Practice